About Us
By hosting your event at The Kane, you are supporting
the Council on Aging of Martin County!
The Kane Center is the home of the Council on Aging of Martin County - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has served our area's seniors since 1974.
The Council's mission is to be the unparalleled resource of expertise, programming and support for seniors in Martin County. Its vision is to inspire a community that embraces, uplifts and encourages seniors to maintain lives of quality and purpose.
Proceeds from event rentals at The Kane support the Council's many services, including Meals on Wheels, the Adult Day Club, case management, nutrition counseling, senior services navigation, and caregiver counseling and support. The Council is the longest-standing organization in the county dedicated to serving our senior population.
Named for a local couple who have championed senior issues for decades, the $15 million center was developed through a public/philanthropic partnership, including $5.8 million from public funds, the Florida Legislature and a grant from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs.